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"James Street Bridge Closure: Selected Open Source Chronology" (as of November 2019)
Summary, Federal 2015 Liberal Platform, Aboriginal/Ring of Fire issues (as of November 2015)
"Algonquins of Ontario Land Claim Negotiations" (July 2015)
"Shoal Lake #40’s “Freedom Road” " (March 2015)
2014 Ontario Election Platform Summaries: Conservative - Liberal - NDP
"Ontario Water Information" (weekly e-mail newsletter, September 2011)
"Key First Nations around the Ring of Fire" (April 2011)
"Wine in Tumblers"
"On Culture, Food and Classicism"
"My Memorable Meal"
Ring of Fire News (weekly blog)
"(How Much) Should I Trust This?" (June 2016)
"Social Services Bid for Addiction Treatment Project" (December 2001)
"City Hall Studies Call Girl Licenses" (July 2001)
"Fly-in Doctors Not Long-Term Solution, Doctors Feel" (April 2001)(How Much) Should I Trust This?
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Food Slut
Laure's Readings Blog
Laure's Research Blog
Italian News Sources
Tony's Resume (p/w required)
Tony's Writing Samples
Thunder Bay Walk In Clinic Locations/Times (.pdf)
Gubbio Time
Kiev/Kyiv Time
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