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Italy - Food Tease

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 4 months ago


Italy Trip 2006: The Teaser

19 May 06


I'm back from three weeks in Italy, and I'm going through low grade food depression.


I spent three weeks in the city of Gubbio (city of about 36,000 located in Umbria, almost in the middle of the boot of Italy) visiting family, and learning a bit more about home Italian cooking from my aunts and cousins.


Have to tell you that I got a great cross section of home cooking in central Italy, but in pretty big doses. While most Italian families have a substantial lunch around 1pm and a smallish supper around 7-9pm, asd guests, we were treated to a larger-than-usual spread at most meals we were invited to. In fact, imagine some days, where we were treated to a huge home-made pasta hit, two-three roast beasts, a touch of veg, some home-cured pork products, great bread or flatbread cooked on the coals, and a baked sweet for lunch, followed at 7-8pm by another not-insignificant dose of pasta, some more meat, veg and another baked good. I'm still afraid to weigh myself.


Just to give you a taste of some of what I'll be writing about in future editions:


  • Italy as the Land of Nutella (guess where you can buy a seven pound jar of the chocolate-hazelnut spread?)
  • Death and Food
  • The Italian Fish Feed
  • Italy's Changing Demography and the Impact on Cooking
  • Lessons Learned from Nonnas' (Grandmas') Kitchens
  • Pig, the Noblest Beast


Meanwhile, here's some images to give you a taste (so to speak) of some of my adventures - enjoy!


Did you know rosemary actually flowers? I didn't know this until visiting Italy.


Why look for wine-food pairings, when you can get bread-food pairings? (e.g., smoked salmon - whole wheat or rye bread, sliced and lightly toasted and buttered)


Wood fire is for heat, but is also the gold standard for cooking and baking in most households.


Easter cheese bread and sliced pork products - what could be better?


Variations on a pig theme.

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