

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 1 month ago


Occasional Musings of a Chowhound

Comments and ideas always welcome - foodslut@tonyprudori.ca


13 Jan 08 - Sweet Rolls & Cornbread - More recipes from my fave CD 


1 Jan 08 - U.S. Army Rye Bread (and other recipes) - Wanna make sweet and sour collard greens for 100?


31 Dec 07 - More Bread Making Adventures: Ciabatta Bread - The slipper bread


27 Dec 07 - Softer, White Bread - Tony tries another variation on the bread baking theme


26 Dec 07 - On holidays, cooking for groups and making bread - Tony thinks about a bunch of stuff


27 Oct 07 - Brown Bread, Revisited - Tony (again) tries bread baking.


20 Oct 07 - Brown Bread Experiment - Tony tries bread baking and algebra.


26 Mar 07 - 'Food Coma' - The index card graph says it all - courtesy of Indexed blog.


17 Mar 07 - Flour and Eggs, Part 2 - Laure is on a roll with making hand-made pasta.


23 Nov 06 - Bento Box - My first taste from a new Thunder Bay Japanese restaurant.


19 May 06 - Italy Trip  2006: Preview - What to expect from my latest family & food adventures.


25 Mar 06 - Peaches, Figs and Cognac - How we saved some leftover peaches.


20 Mar 06 - Pizza Nite - Not Neopolitan, but Still Great!


16 Mar 06 - Road Trip:  Ottawa - Croissants and game in the Market.


25 Feb 06 - Tuna Salad Sandwich, Deluxe - Mayo, onions, white bread? Not with my $20 can of tuna, you don't!


14 Feb 06 - Wine in Tumblers - Why I don't drink my wine from the fancy glasses.


13 Feb 06 - Flour and Eggs - Making pasta, the old fashioned way.


8 Feb 06 - On Culture, Food and Classicism - Is "culture" demeaned by focussing on food and music?


5 Feb 06 - How Much of a Foodie are You? - Try it. I came out with 31/38: "The Blossoming Bon Vivant has an adventurous spirit and an insatiable hunger for all things gourmet. You are likely to try new and exotic things when you spot it on a menu and tend to be skilled in the kitchen. You're armed with enough knowledge to be a food snob, but are more likely to share their knowledge than flaunt it. Often dreaming of taking cooking classes abroad, you are well on your way to becoming an expert foodie, or perhaps even a chef."


30 Jan 06 - Memorable Meals - This is a submission I sent on January 30, 2006 to CBC Radio's "Fresh Air" in response to the request for listeners to send in stories about memorable meals. Enjoy!


30 Mar 04 - Susur's Tasting Menu - The finest meal I've ever had, thanks to my sweetie, at Susur, 601 King Street West, Toronto. Chef Lee was kind enough to sign a menu I asked for at the end of the meal. (.pdf, 291K)




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